Attendance Program Calculator - Bradford Model :

Attendance Program Calculator – Bradford Model


The Bradford Score seeks to indicate the composition of an individual’s sickness-absence record, i.e. whether it comprises a few spells of long duration or many spells of short duration and it gives increased weight to higher instances of short term absence, which is viewed by some as being more disruptive. THis attendance program is automated, however you can only calculate for one person at a time. The automation will determine what level an employee is at and triggers progressive discipline. Useful for small businness.



The Bradford Factor or Bradford Formula is used in human resource management as a means of measuring employee absenteeism. The theory is that short, frequent, and unplanned absences are more disruptive than longer absences. According to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development the term was first coined due to its supposed connection with research undertaken by the Bradford University School of Management in the 1980s. It was developed as a way of highlighting the disproportionate level of disruption of an organization’s performance that can be caused by short-term absences compared to single instances of prolonged absence.

This automated version of the Bradford Model allows you to investigate problem employees who have several short instances of absenteeism to highlight when it is best to give a warning.



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